Chú thích Cuộc vây hãm Rocroi

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "The siege operations in the campaign against France, 1870-71."
  2. "Table générale du Recueil des traités de G.F. de Martens et de ses continuateurs. 1494-1874"
  3. "Bismarck in the Franco-German war, 1870-1871"
  4. 1 2 Findlay Muirhead, Marcel Monmarché, North-eastern France, nguyên văn: "Rocroi fell to the Prussians in 1871 after a bombardment..."
  5. "The Franco-German War of 1870—71" (của Helmuth Von Moltke)
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Edmund Ollier, Cassell's history of the war between France and Germany, 1870-1871, Tập 2, trang 140
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "The French campaign, 1870-1871. Military description" by A. Niemann. Tr. from the German by Colonel Edward Newdigate. Published 1872 by W. Mitchell & co. in London. Written in English.
  8. Ernst Reinstorf, Geschichte der Elbinsel Wilhelmsburg: Von Urbeginn bis zur Jetztzeit, trang 203
  9. T. D. Wanliss, The war in Europe of 1870-1: with an enquiry into its probable consequences, trang 200
  10. "Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war. Containing a brief narrative of the origin of the kingdom, its past history, and a detailed account of the causes and results of the late war with Austria; with an account of the origin of the present war with France, and of the extraordinary campaign into the heart of the empire. Including biographical sketches of King William and Count von Bismarck"
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